Owning Your Projections

This is a tool for reclaiming your projections and thus integrating your shadow.

Select your methods, if your integrating the Feeding your Demons practice, then complete part 2, if your just using inquiry use part one, and if your tying in the Sedona Method then add that to either.

Insights from these practices:

When I am triggered by other people “checking out” emotionally, it is because I, myself, check out when I get uncomfortable. I hate this part of others only to the extent that I hate this part of me, and I hate this part of me, only to the extent that I am longing for a rich, full experience of the vitality and vigor of allowing myself to experience life.

When I am triggered by imagining that other people will dishonor my dignity by slandering me, it only triggers me to the extent that I am unwilling to honor their dignity by taking responsibility for my experience. To the extent I abandon my personal responsibility, I fall into a victim role, which calls, out of the mystery, an apparent perpetrator to meet me. In projecting upon another this perpetrator role, I generate resistance to and judgement of my inner loss of self authorship, self guidance, self navigation, autonomy, and vital potency. To the extent I am willing to take responsibility for my experience, to own my experience, my fear of being dishonored falls away, my victim persona falls away, the apparent perpetrator falls away, and the judgement of another as too judgmental falls away. Essence remains.

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